Happy Turkey Day, everyone out there!
Okay, so I tried Turducken for the first time yesterday, and my stomach has been payin for it ever since. Must be a real shock to the old system to be eating so many birds :-
Went to see "This Christmas" after Thanksgiving dinner, and it was good. I mean, it was much better than I thought it was gonna be. Though a lot of it was predictable, and they gave away WAY too much on the commercials, it was a good family film. One question though- Why did everyone scream when Chris Brown took his shirt off? I mean, he has a bird chest! He totally reminds me of my ex-bf Brandon(not b/c of the bird chest, but because of his mannerisms- and he even kinda looks like him).
Anyway, I'm forced to go into the abyss known as Columbia Mall today to work the dreaded Black Friday. Ugh. I know I'm gonna be overwhelmed with snobby women with ridiculous demands, and their clueless husbands/boyfriends/pimps/etc. But, whatever. In a matter of weeks, it will hopefully be all over. I mean, I plan to start a new job, one way or another, and I am going to keep my hours in Ann Taylor down to a minimum. I'M SO TIRED OF WORKING HERE!!! Good Lord! Get me into a classroom and an organization and I'll be a happy camper. This job is total B.S., and it seems as though I'm one of the few associates who realizes it. Oh well. I just know I'm gonna be pissed if I hafta give a friggin hand massage today!
Friday, November 23, 2007
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