Happy Turkey Day, everyone out there!
Okay, so I tried Turducken for the first time yesterday, and my stomach has been payin for it ever since. Must be a real shock to the old system to be eating so many birds :-
Went to see "This Christmas" after Thanksgiving dinner, and it was good. I mean, it was much better than I thought it was gonna be. Though a lot of it was predictable, and they gave away WAY too much on the commercials, it was a good family film. One question though- Why did everyone scream when Chris Brown took his shirt off? I mean, he has a bird chest! He totally reminds me of my ex-bf Brandon(not b/c of the bird chest, but because of his mannerisms- and he even kinda looks like him).
Anyway, I'm forced to go into the abyss known as Columbia Mall today to work the dreaded Black Friday. Ugh. I know I'm gonna be overwhelmed with snobby women with ridiculous demands, and their clueless husbands/boyfriends/pimps/etc. But, whatever. In a matter of weeks, it will hopefully be all over. I mean, I plan to start a new job, one way or another, and I am going to keep my hours in Ann Taylor down to a minimum. I'M SO TIRED OF WORKING HERE!!! Good Lord! Get me into a classroom and an organization and I'll be a happy camper. This job is total B.S., and it seems as though I'm one of the few associates who realizes it. Oh well. I just know I'm gonna be pissed if I hafta give a friggin hand massage today!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
My Garage Floor
The floor in my garage is kinda jacked up. I remember when my dad asked my brother to paint the floor (why, I don't know) and it took him 6 hours to paint about a 5x2 patch of paint... by hand. Later, he got a machine to spray the paint, but it still looked ridiculous. It's this putrid gray and the paint is cracking, and it just doesn't look so great (no offense, bro). Nonetheless, help is available. If I had it my way, the garage would look more like a professional auto showroom. It would be shiny and bright, especially since we're always storing the cars there (you know how some people have garages, and seem to forget that their cars belong INSIDE?). garage flooring That site has got some sexy garages. It's awesome because you can customize how you would like it designed. It's like pimpin' your ride's home! I dunno about you, but it makes it a lot easier for me to visualize things when I actually have a visual in front of me haha
Cars! Cars! Cars!
Okay, so I'm totally getting tired of having to ride the bus and bum rides all the time. This is worse than when I was in HS! I mean, at least while in college I lived in urban areas where there really was no alternative to public transportation. But now? Now I'm back home where having a car is not an option. Last night, I had to walk over 2 miles just to get home from the bus stop because I was misled regarding where the actual bus was. So, I went online and started looking up pricing for cars. Anyway, I looked up this website called Honda Car Quote and I'm not sure what I think about it compared to other sites that are similar. Yes, they give you up to 3 free quotes, but they also require you to input your social security number beforehand- something that I'm not into doing online. Other sites make it much easier. I mean, you know whether or not you have bad credit, right? Anyway, you do have the option of choosing from only newer makes of cars (I mean MUCH newer- 2007 & 2008), and they show you all of the makes, which makes investigating cars a lot easier, but the downfall is that they require you to put in too much information. I'm not sure what I think, but I know that I will keep looking for good deals on cars as the year comes to a close!
Finally Calling LIU
Okay, so I've been terrified of calling the Registrar's office at LIU. That should shakes up some feelings that I really don't want to have right now. At that place, people either love me or hate me. The administrators, for example. They love me for being so active on campus, participating in athletics, etc, but then they hate me for the whole Seawanhaka, losing my scholarship for talking about issues that old bitties who haven't gotten laid in a few months don't want to hear about. WHEW. Anyway, so I finally called, and of course, as is traditional of LIU, the person I needed to speak with most was unavailable. Go figure. Now I have to wait an hour to start the drama all over again. BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Hotel Reservations
Okay, so I'm trying to plan something really nice for someone special. I want to get away, and what better way to travel than with a person you love. Recently, I've been looking at universities in London, and I've always wanted to go and see the city itself. My grandmother is from the UK, and I just really want to go and check it out. I thought that it would be like thousands of USD a night to stay in a hotel in London, but this site Hotel Reservations showed me otherwise. You can get them for a couple hundred bucks a night, something that I totally was not expecting. You can look up hotels in both national and international cities. This site shows you discounted prices and tells you about nearby locations and tourist attractions.
They don't just show hotel reservations, though. They show vacation packages as well! I just looked up prices for flying to St. Lucia, staying in a hotel, and renting a car, and it gave me all the information I needed. Some sites such as this can be confusing or complicating, and can even be limited in the amount of information and options they provide, but this site is awesome! Also, some sites do not carry international travel information, but this one does. For example, when I was looking at the London hotels, they had the prices listed in USD as opposed to the pound. That's really helpful, because it can be hard to do the conversions on your own. This also makes planning a romantic/exotic getaway a lot easier. It's nice to have different ideas and suggestions from others, and this site definitely provides that.
Anyway, I totally plan to use this site in the near future. My birthday is coming up soon, and I wanna go somewhere special. Maybe I'll venture to a Spice Girls concert since I'm so excited that they've finally worked out their differences and gotten back together...

They don't just show hotel reservations, though. They show vacation packages as well! I just looked up prices for flying to St. Lucia, staying in a hotel, and renting a car, and it gave me all the information I needed. Some sites such as this can be confusing or complicating, and can even be limited in the amount of information and options they provide, but this site is awesome! Also, some sites do not carry international travel information, but this one does. For example, when I was looking at the London hotels, they had the prices listed in USD as opposed to the pound. That's really helpful, because it can be hard to do the conversions on your own. This also makes planning a romantic/exotic getaway a lot easier. It's nice to have different ideas and suggestions from others, and this site definitely provides that.
Anyway, I totally plan to use this site in the near future. My birthday is coming up soon, and I wanna go somewhere special. Maybe I'll venture to a Spice Girls concert since I'm so excited that they've finally worked out their differences and gotten back together...
OMG!!! My mom's cat is sweet but can get on my last nerve! He keeps biting me and it's getting on my nerves! Did you know that you can train a cat by spraying him in the face with water??
Anyway, I love watching movies and tv shows about interracial dating. I just don't think that they show it enough! You always see gay couples on TV, but interracial couples, not so much. This isn't just another one of my random thoughts- they just showed a documentary on MTV called "True Life: I'm in an Interracial Relationship." Check it out
Anyway, I love watching movies and tv shows about interracial dating. I just don't think that they show it enough! You always see gay couples on TV, but interracial couples, not so much. This isn't just another one of my random thoughts- they just showed a documentary on MTV called "True Life: I'm in an Interracial Relationship." Check it out
Holiday Shopping
Okay, so yeah, everybody knows how I work at Ann Taylor. We actually had our holiday meeting last night, and everyone was dreading the mall opening at 5am on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving), and we were all grumbling about how ridiculous the whole thing is. So, I was online today, and saw this website called Black-Friday.net black friday ads It's pretty interesting. People don't realize how the internet helps with shopping and avoiding lines and crazy holiday shoppers. They have links to many stores (such as Lane Bryant http://www.black-friday.net/ad/lanebryant-black-friday.html , a store my mom loves to shop), and they even give you email notifications for special promotions and ads that are published online for the major American shopping day. It's cool because they offer promotions and codes for discounts to many of the stores they have on the site. Another cool feature is that you can shop by store, or you can shop by category, which helps in finding good deals. I wanted to buy a new mp3 player, and I went on this site, and they actually had a discount for the Apple Store- free shipping on purchases of $50 or more. http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore?cid=AOS-US-AFFC-GEN&aosid=p201&cjid=10479696-1234320-&AID=10479696&PID=1234320 People don't realize how shipping can be a major deterrent to ordering online. I learned this from Ann Taylor. You can buy a shirt for $30, and the shipping is $7.50 for just standard ground- that could stink! They also have more info on mp3 players and promotions going on. It's really helpful! Check out the website for yourself, and let me know what you think!
All Dating Shows Aside...
Okay, so I watch too much VH1. That's a given. But thinking about ways in which I could start my own dating show on the internet... not a given. It's a good thing I had the day off work today. I got to apply to real jobs so I can hopefully take my mind off of nonsense such as MEN and DATING. There is a guy I like, but he's not really feelin' me in that way. I know. I can recognize this, but he's a really awesome guy! Blah. It sucks. Anyway, so hopefully I get one of these internships. Last time around, I applied to several, got one call back, and a rejection email. I'm getting tired of Ann Taylor! I need a change in my life- at least one. :-z
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Love is Pain
I was sad yesterday. I spoke on the phone with Egbert, and all of the emotions came flooding back. I love him very much, but I still feel vulnerable. Why does love hurt so bad?
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