I'm totally confused! I had this discussion with my roommate the other day. How can you be against abortion, but be for Stem Cell Research? It's totally confusing to me! I WOULD be for the research, if I didn't think the gov't was gonna turn it into somethin crazy, which I think we are well beyond capable of doing... whatever...
Dude, I HATE the smell of cigarette smoke! My roommate asked me to hug her yesterday, and I told her no. Why would I want to hug her when she smells like boiled garbage? This is the thing smokers don't seem to understand: Why would I want to be around someone/somethin that smells like smoke when I don't want to smoke? I have never tried it, and never intend to. If I liked the smell, wouldn't I like the taste, and therefore enjoy smoking? Ugh! The more I'm around it, the more disusting I find it!
Anybody else feel that way?