Happy Turkey Day, everyone out there!
Okay, so I tried Turducken for the first time yesterday, and my stomach has been payin for it ever since. Must be a real shock to the old system to be eating so many birds :-
Went to see "This Christmas" after Thanksgiving dinner, and it was good. I mean, it was much better than I thought it was gonna be. Though a lot of it was predictable, and they gave away WAY too much on the commercials, it was a good family film. One question though- Why did everyone scream when Chris Brown took his shirt off? I mean, he has a bird chest! He totally reminds me of my ex-bf Brandon(not b/c of the bird chest, but because of his mannerisms- and he even kinda looks like him).
Anyway, I'm forced to go into the abyss known as Columbia Mall today to work the dreaded Black Friday. Ugh. I know I'm gonna be overwhelmed with snobby women with ridiculous demands, and their clueless husbands/boyfriends/pimps/etc. But, whatever. In a matter of weeks, it will hopefully be all over. I mean, I plan to start a new job, one way or another, and I am going to keep my hours in Ann Taylor down to a minimum. I'M SO TIRED OF WORKING HERE!!! Good Lord! Get me into a classroom and an organization and I'll be a happy camper. This job is total B.S., and it seems as though I'm one of the few associates who realizes it. Oh well. I just know I'm gonna be pissed if I hafta give a friggin hand massage today!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
My Garage Floor
The floor in my garage is kinda jacked up. I remember when my dad asked my brother to paint the floor (why, I don't know) and it took him 6 hours to paint about a 5x2 patch of paint... by hand. Later, he got a machine to spray the paint, but it still looked ridiculous. It's this putrid gray and the paint is cracking, and it just doesn't look so great (no offense, bro). Nonetheless, help is available. If I had it my way, the garage would look more like a professional auto showroom. It would be shiny and bright, especially since we're always storing the cars there (you know how some people have garages, and seem to forget that their cars belong INSIDE?). garage flooring That site has got some sexy garages. It's awesome because you can customize how you would like it designed. It's like pimpin' your ride's home! I dunno about you, but it makes it a lot easier for me to visualize things when I actually have a visual in front of me haha
Cars! Cars! Cars!
Okay, so I'm totally getting tired of having to ride the bus and bum rides all the time. This is worse than when I was in HS! I mean, at least while in college I lived in urban areas where there really was no alternative to public transportation. But now? Now I'm back home where having a car is not an option. Last night, I had to walk over 2 miles just to get home from the bus stop because I was misled regarding where the actual bus was. So, I went online and started looking up pricing for cars. Anyway, I looked up this website called Honda Car Quote and I'm not sure what I think about it compared to other sites that are similar. Yes, they give you up to 3 free quotes, but they also require you to input your social security number beforehand- something that I'm not into doing online. Other sites make it much easier. I mean, you know whether or not you have bad credit, right? Anyway, you do have the option of choosing from only newer makes of cars (I mean MUCH newer- 2007 & 2008), and they show you all of the makes, which makes investigating cars a lot easier, but the downfall is that they require you to put in too much information. I'm not sure what I think, but I know that I will keep looking for good deals on cars as the year comes to a close!
Finally Calling LIU
Okay, so I've been terrified of calling the Registrar's office at LIU. That should shakes up some feelings that I really don't want to have right now. At that place, people either love me or hate me. The administrators, for example. They love me for being so active on campus, participating in athletics, etc, but then they hate me for the whole Seawanhaka, losing my scholarship for talking about issues that old bitties who haven't gotten laid in a few months don't want to hear about. WHEW. Anyway, so I finally called, and of course, as is traditional of LIU, the person I needed to speak with most was unavailable. Go figure. Now I have to wait an hour to start the drama all over again. BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 05, 2007
Hotel Reservations
Okay, so I'm trying to plan something really nice for someone special. I want to get away, and what better way to travel than with a person you love. Recently, I've been looking at universities in London, and I've always wanted to go and see the city itself. My grandmother is from the UK, and I just really want to go and check it out. I thought that it would be like thousands of USD a night to stay in a hotel in London, but this site Hotel Reservations showed me otherwise. You can get them for a couple hundred bucks a night, something that I totally was not expecting. You can look up hotels in both national and international cities. This site shows you discounted prices and tells you about nearby locations and tourist attractions.
They don't just show hotel reservations, though. They show vacation packages as well! I just looked up prices for flying to St. Lucia, staying in a hotel, and renting a car, and it gave me all the information I needed. Some sites such as this can be confusing or complicating, and can even be limited in the amount of information and options they provide, but this site is awesome! Also, some sites do not carry international travel information, but this one does. For example, when I was looking at the London hotels, they had the prices listed in USD as opposed to the pound. That's really helpful, because it can be hard to do the conversions on your own. This also makes planning a romantic/exotic getaway a lot easier. It's nice to have different ideas and suggestions from others, and this site definitely provides that.
Anyway, I totally plan to use this site in the near future. My birthday is coming up soon, and I wanna go somewhere special. Maybe I'll venture to a Spice Girls concert since I'm so excited that they've finally worked out their differences and gotten back together...

They don't just show hotel reservations, though. They show vacation packages as well! I just looked up prices for flying to St. Lucia, staying in a hotel, and renting a car, and it gave me all the information I needed. Some sites such as this can be confusing or complicating, and can even be limited in the amount of information and options they provide, but this site is awesome! Also, some sites do not carry international travel information, but this one does. For example, when I was looking at the London hotels, they had the prices listed in USD as opposed to the pound. That's really helpful, because it can be hard to do the conversions on your own. This also makes planning a romantic/exotic getaway a lot easier. It's nice to have different ideas and suggestions from others, and this site definitely provides that.
Anyway, I totally plan to use this site in the near future. My birthday is coming up soon, and I wanna go somewhere special. Maybe I'll venture to a Spice Girls concert since I'm so excited that they've finally worked out their differences and gotten back together...
OMG!!! My mom's cat is sweet but can get on my last nerve! He keeps biting me and it's getting on my nerves! Did you know that you can train a cat by spraying him in the face with water??
Anyway, I love watching movies and tv shows about interracial dating. I just don't think that they show it enough! You always see gay couples on TV, but interracial couples, not so much. This isn't just another one of my random thoughts- they just showed a documentary on MTV called "True Life: I'm in an Interracial Relationship." Check it out
Anyway, I love watching movies and tv shows about interracial dating. I just don't think that they show it enough! You always see gay couples on TV, but interracial couples, not so much. This isn't just another one of my random thoughts- they just showed a documentary on MTV called "True Life: I'm in an Interracial Relationship." Check it out
Holiday Shopping
Okay, so yeah, everybody knows how I work at Ann Taylor. We actually had our holiday meeting last night, and everyone was dreading the mall opening at 5am on Black Friday (the day after Thanksgiving), and we were all grumbling about how ridiculous the whole thing is. So, I was online today, and saw this website called Black-Friday.net black friday ads It's pretty interesting. People don't realize how the internet helps with shopping and avoiding lines and crazy holiday shoppers. They have links to many stores (such as Lane Bryant http://www.black-friday.net/ad/lanebryant-black-friday.html , a store my mom loves to shop), and they even give you email notifications for special promotions and ads that are published online for the major American shopping day. It's cool because they offer promotions and codes for discounts to many of the stores they have on the site. Another cool feature is that you can shop by store, or you can shop by category, which helps in finding good deals. I wanted to buy a new mp3 player, and I went on this site, and they actually had a discount for the Apple Store- free shipping on purchases of $50 or more. http://store.apple.com/1-800-MY-APPLE/WebObjects/AppleStore?cid=AOS-US-AFFC-GEN&aosid=p201&cjid=10479696-1234320-&AID=10479696&PID=1234320 People don't realize how shipping can be a major deterrent to ordering online. I learned this from Ann Taylor. You can buy a shirt for $30, and the shipping is $7.50 for just standard ground- that could stink! They also have more info on mp3 players and promotions going on. It's really helpful! Check out the website for yourself, and let me know what you think!
All Dating Shows Aside...
Okay, so I watch too much VH1. That's a given. But thinking about ways in which I could start my own dating show on the internet... not a given. It's a good thing I had the day off work today. I got to apply to real jobs so I can hopefully take my mind off of nonsense such as MEN and DATING. There is a guy I like, but he's not really feelin' me in that way. I know. I can recognize this, but he's a really awesome guy! Blah. It sucks. Anyway, so hopefully I get one of these internships. Last time around, I applied to several, got one call back, and a rejection email. I'm getting tired of Ann Taylor! I need a change in my life- at least one. :-z
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Love is Pain
I was sad yesterday. I spoke on the phone with Egbert, and all of the emotions came flooding back. I love him very much, but I still feel vulnerable. Why does love hurt so bad?
Friday, October 12, 2007
Volleyball season is quickly coming to an end, and I'm not sure how I feel. I'm excited for coed season, but I've so enjoyed coaching this season. It was difficult- don't get me wrong. Kids who are uninspired, constantly questioning everything you say, whining and complaining and quitting- it's tough. I never thought that coaching would be easy, but I also never got to see the behind-the-scenes things that my high school coaches did for me. Now I see...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
DaZeD aNd CoNfUsEd
RAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm so confused right now. Life is fine, I suppose. I don't have to live in a house where an insecure older woman feels the need to try to strangle me, and I feel that I have a little bit more independence, but it's kind of depressing. Taking this year off is nothing like being at school (duh). I don't get to hang out whenever I want, it's harder to meet interesting people, and it sucks! The real world SUCKS! Someone please tell me something interesting :-p
Thursday, September 13, 2007
As I write this blog, I am reflecting on the current situation that is the United States. Why is there so much hatred? Of course, there is not only hatred in this country, but everywhere in the world; however, it just seems that the hatred is often magnified. The whole Jena 6 ordeal and all of the fallout from that bad situation are just the icing on the cake. I just don't understand how people can be filled with so much hate!
I love the diversity of the world, and take advantage of being in such a diverse community. Every opportunity that I have to learn about a different culture or make friends with people of different communities I take. I know that it sounds corny, but I am color blind when it comes to people, which leads me to my next question: Why are people so afraid to date outside of their race?
I have had many opportunities to be the first whatever that someone has dated. I have dated people of multiple ethnicities, and despite what other people think, I don't think it's a sellout in the least bit. How can you be a sellout when you have a belief system that enables you to love people of all shades? I don't want to sound conceited or anything, so I'll stop using the word "I," but it is interesting, if you think about it. Why is it that there is so much exposure to homosexuality on television, but not interracial dating? It always seems taboo, and above that, it's always just black and white. When will the day come when there doesn't have to be some controversy surround a relationship involving two people of different ethnicites? When will people date "outside the box" without it being due to parental dissent?
Does anybody understand where I'm coming from?
I love the diversity of the world, and take advantage of being in such a diverse community. Every opportunity that I have to learn about a different culture or make friends with people of different communities I take. I know that it sounds corny, but I am color blind when it comes to people, which leads me to my next question: Why are people so afraid to date outside of their race?
I have had many opportunities to be the first whatever that someone has dated. I have dated people of multiple ethnicities, and despite what other people think, I don't think it's a sellout in the least bit. How can you be a sellout when you have a belief system that enables you to love people of all shades? I don't want to sound conceited or anything, so I'll stop using the word "I," but it is interesting, if you think about it. Why is it that there is so much exposure to homosexuality on television, but not interracial dating? It always seems taboo, and above that, it's always just black and white. When will the day come when there doesn't have to be some controversy surround a relationship involving two people of different ethnicites? When will people date "outside the box" without it being due to parental dissent?
Does anybody understand where I'm coming from?
Monday, August 13, 2007
I'm so sad :(
I had attempted asphyxiation by my evil stepmother last week, moved in with my mom, I got rejected from this internship that I really wanted, and now I'm forced to keep looking, while balancing my time between my volleyball coaching position and Ann Taylor.
It's so frustrating.
It feels like everything is falling into place when BAM! something happens. This always happens to me, and I know that it happens to other people as well, and it's just so FRUSTRATING!
I've been contemplating just running to some far away place in this country where I've never been before and just starting over, but I have too many commitments. I always do this to myself. Constantly worrying about pleasing other people. But what about me? Sometimes I just want to be happy, instead of stressed out from worrying about everything else.
I had attempted asphyxiation by my evil stepmother last week, moved in with my mom, I got rejected from this internship that I really wanted, and now I'm forced to keep looking, while balancing my time between my volleyball coaching position and Ann Taylor.
It's so frustrating.
It feels like everything is falling into place when BAM! something happens. This always happens to me, and I know that it happens to other people as well, and it's just so FRUSTRATING!
I've been contemplating just running to some far away place in this country where I've never been before and just starting over, but I have too many commitments. I always do this to myself. Constantly worrying about pleasing other people. But what about me? Sometimes I just want to be happy, instead of stressed out from worrying about everything else.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Pay Per Post
Wow. Why did I sign up for PayPerPost blog network? Let me see... basically, I am a broke college student haha I mean, I ran up my cell phone bill, didn't have a job to pay it off, and now I'm trying creative ways to fix the problems I will soon incur (if not already) with my credit. My friend Steve recommended PayPerPost to me because he uses it. I thought it was pretty cool. I mean, I love to write, I had a lot of free time on my hands for some time, and I needed to take out my frustrations. What better way to do so than to create a blog, write about stuff that matters (or doesn't matter, sometimes) to me, and then write about products I've used or services that interest me, and then get paid for it? I mean, for starters, it's gotta be some of the easiest money someone can make. I mean, it's not morally wrong, it's not challenging, and you can definitely multi-task while doing it! I can be sitting here, researching some bill that is up in Congress, listening to Erykah Badu on Pandora Radio (the greatest radio station ever, which I found thanks to PayPerPost), and all the while writing about a website that helps women discuss scumbag men in their lives and getting paid for it. Where else can you do that? PayPerPost is awesome! I can use it whenever I want, and I don't have to wait very long to use it. Also, it's linked up with PayPal, which also makes life a heck of a lot easier. What more can a broke student ask for (besides a free degree)? I recommend this site to everyone. Whether people read your blog or not, at least it's something interesting you can do without being ashamed of it...

blog network
blog network
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
4th of July
I honestly don't know what I'm going to do to celebrate on Wednesday, but I must say that I'm definitely feeling patriotic this week. Maybe because I plan to buy a Toyota on Independence day at a kick ass sale, or maybe because I've been home often and have nothing better to do, but I'm seriously considering going down to the Mall to watch the fireworks. I mean, I've never gotten there early enough to see the concert, and I saw that Little Richard is performing. Does it get any better? Why, yes, it does! Elliott Yamin, one of my favorites from my old guilty pleasure American Idol will be performing, as well as that skincare/Heroes girl (you know, "Save the cheerleaders, save the world." Some other people will be performing, but I don't really care. I just think it'd be awesome to hear Little Richard sing balop babalooba balop bam boom! on the birthday of our glorious nation. Besides, I don't have anything better to do :-P
Friday, June 29, 2007
The iPhone
I'm going to call the iPhone the if-Phone. IF I found it necessary, maybe I'd consider it, and IF I had the money, I could buy it IF I wanted to, and IF AT&T hadn't had trouble in the past, I might not be so skeptical. Here's another one, IF I have to hear one more crazy person talking about waiting in line... I mean, good Lord! Fortunately it's on sale today, 'cause IF not, I'm sure some nerd somewhere would be lying in a pool of his own feces until they did go on sale. Check out this outta control-ness.
This was a real ad on craigslist:
I’m available as of today to begin camping out for you. I charge a rate of $30 per day non-negotiable and will be out there every day. I have 10 years experience camping out at product launches
Xbox, Xbox 360, PS, PS2, PS3, PSP, Gameboy, Gameboy DS, Gameboy DS Lite and Wii to name a few. My girlfriend will switch off with me for bathroom/food breaks (no extra charge). We’re aggressive when it comes to line cutters ( We will cap any motherfucker that tries to cut in line ) and will keep you updated via text, MMS photos and videos or email.
We require 1/2 of the camping fee up front and the rest when you arrive at the store to pay for your iPhone(s). If you’d like us to purchase the phone for you we do require the amount for the phone otherwise we will call you an hour before the store begins handing out the phones.
Email if you’re interested. We’re willing to hit any AT&T store in the valley.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Please, America, Can We Get This Guy Off the Air?
I mean, come on. I have studied journalism for years, and there was nothing in my textbooks about calling someone a "pinhead" as a rebuttal. I'm all for hearing different opinions, regardless of whether or not I agree with them, but some things just aren't worthy of my attention. FOX News is so filled with right-wing propaganda, and to think that many Americans believe everything that they say is frightening. These are probably the same people supporting the unnecessary war, re-electing our unelected president, and sadly but surely, voting. I'm interested to see what will happen in the '08 election. There are some interesing opinions out there, and it will be interesting to see which prevail. I'm not going to say who I am going to vote for because I'm not sure just yet. But I do know this - the day when someone like Bill O'Reilly can criticize a member of the American youth for expressing his opinions and beliefs by referring to this youth as a "pinhead," and actually get away with it without causing an uproar, is a problem. How can we teach our youth their rights if we prevent them from exercising them?
bill o'reilly,
Monday, June 25, 2007
I am so hurt right now that I don't even know where to start...
You told me that you loved me, that you would never hurt me
You said you'd never lie, and you said you'd never cheat
You said that you could never be one of those "other guys"
But you don't, did, have, might've, and will be.
Is it because she's pretty, and I'm just average?
Is it because she's meant for you?
Does she fit into your perfect plans for your perfect future?
Why would you feel the need to lie to me?
Do you just want to jerk me around?
Are you seeking revenge?
Do you not care for anyone but yourself?
At first, I felt that you were to blame, but now I see.
I deserve what you did, and your revenge is achieved.
You told me that you loved me, that you would never hurt me
You said you'd never lie, and you said you'd never cheat
You said that you could never be one of those "other guys"
But you don't, did, have, might've, and will be.
Is it because she's pretty, and I'm just average?
Is it because she's meant for you?
Does she fit into your perfect plans for your perfect future?
Why would you feel the need to lie to me?
Do you just want to jerk me around?
Are you seeking revenge?
Do you not care for anyone but yourself?
At first, I felt that you were to blame, but now I see.
I deserve what you did, and your revenge is achieved.
I watched "Junebug" again last night and it was actually better the second time. I recommend it to anyone who likes watching quirky yet original films. It's a good flick. The characters seem so complex, like you just get under the surface while watching it. Another good movie I like and watched again recently was "Shopgirl", which is based on Steve Martin's novella; however, it is a serious film. It's very very interesting. I showed it to Egbert, but he fell asleep because he was so tired and it was oddly hot in the basement. Still a good film though. I'll try to blog a little more about good films that are not showing in the theatres (I find run-of-the-mill films to be extremely predictable and unoriginal).
Happy Watching!
Happy Watching!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wow! Who knew that moving was so expensive?? I can't even imagine how much it must cost for people moving cross country! I got back from a day trip to NYC to move my apt outta BK, and it was out of control! It cost a ton of money, and the drive was just so BLAH! If only I had a huge pick up, it prolly woulda been easier, but oh well.
Am I the only person who watched The Academy? I think that show is awesome! It's on FOX reality, and though FOX is mostly crap (aside from HOUSE, and sometimes American Idol), that show is great! The best part is that the one brotha' is called the "Ramrod."
Has anybody ever seen this movie called "Somethin' New" with Sanaa Lathan? That movie was garbage. The movies really make interracial dating seem so taboo, and all of the story lines stay the same. I know in many instances people view it as taboo, but it's really not as ridiculous as many movies make it seem. Regardless, is anybody else wondering why they make a bigger deal out of interracial couples on television in general than gay couples? I think it's interesting. I'm not saying that either is depicted accurately or adequately, but I just think it's something to think about.
Am I the only person who watched The Academy? I think that show is awesome! It's on FOX reality, and though FOX is mostly crap (aside from HOUSE, and sometimes American Idol), that show is great! The best part is that the one brotha' is called the "Ramrod."
Has anybody ever seen this movie called "Somethin' New" with Sanaa Lathan? That movie was garbage. The movies really make interracial dating seem so taboo, and all of the story lines stay the same. I know in many instances people view it as taboo, but it's really not as ridiculous as many movies make it seem. Regardless, is anybody else wondering why they make a bigger deal out of interracial couples on television in general than gay couples? I think it's interesting. I'm not saying that either is depicted accurately or adequately, but I just think it's something to think about.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Pay Per Post is officially crushing the opposition. This advertising idea, in my opinion, is absolutely genius. You pay people with nothing better to do than sit around blogging about other people's merchandise and making money for other people (while making a miniscule amount in comparison). It's a really great idea. Really. I like Pay Per Post because I too am one of those people. The requirements aren't too challenging, and it doesn't take forever for you to get your stuff approved. What do I think that Pay Per Post can do to make things run a little smoother? I suggest hiring more people on staff to approve blogs quicker. Of course I'm going to say that I wish I could make more money doing it, but that just doesn't seem practical at this point. I mean, really, how much effort is put into writing one of these blogs? I'd much rather read about an interesting new product than some dumb celebrity mishap. And get paid for it? That's just great! Better than sitting down scratching my butt and watching Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School during the day. One of the great things about PPP is that you can donate money to charity, and that's an honorable thing to do. advertise on blogs Check out PPP if you're curious about what exactly it's all about. Oh, did I say how much money they raised? $7 Million! That's amazing! Check out the press release below for more info.
The PayPerPost Revolution Accelerates, Sponsored
Blogging Marketplace Secures $7 Million Series B
Draper Fisher Jurvetson leads round and joins Board of Directors
ORLANDO, FL – (June 12, 2007) – PayPerPost, the leading marketplace for advertisers to reach bloggers and other consumer content creators, today announced it has completed a $7 million second round investment led by Draper Fisher Jurvetson, an investor in the company's Series A and one of the world’s leading high-technology venture capital firms. The financing brings the total amount of capital raised by PayPerPost to over $10 million, giving the company considerable resources for further development as the industry’s leading Consumer Generated Advertising marketplace. Additional participants in the round include existing investors Inflexion Partners and Village Ventures as well as new investor DFJ Gotham. With this investment, DFJ Managing Director Josh Stein also joins PayPerPost’s Board of Directors.
“PayPerPost created this exciting new advertising space and has established itself as the industry leader,” said Ted Murphy, chief executive officer of PayPerPost. “Although we’ve only used a portion of our first round capital, this added support from investors unlocks significant growth potential. Our content creator and advertiser ROI metrics clearly demonstrate the upside for PayPerPost’s model. We intend to use this capital to build the infrastructure, visibility and professional expertise necessary to reach and retain a greater network of advertisers and content creators than ever before.”
Since its founding in June of 2006, PayPerPost has signed more than 6,500 advertisers to its groundbreaking service, which has enabled Consumer Content Creators to be compensated for their efforts discussing specific companies, products or services via blogs, videos or other media. The content creators are required to disclose relationships with advertisers on their blog, providing transparency for the end reader. Over 125,000 Internet postings, most in the form of blogs, have already earned money for their creators through PayPerPost’s innovative marketplace. PayPerPost recently released PayPerPost Direct, a disruptive new service that allows advertisers to contract and negotiate directly with individual bloggers they identify through a safe, managed system.
“PayPerPost has laid a strong foundation for the future,” noted Tim Draper, founder and managing director of Draper Fisher Jurvetson. “It continues to attract a critical mass of participants from both the advertising and blogging communities. Analogous to Overture’s sponsored search model, we believe PayPerPost’s business model holds disruptive potential and will enable the company to thrive in the evolving paid-content arena.”
To mark the $7 million dollar funding, PayPerPost has launched a new website detailing the company’s service offering at http://www.payperpost.com. Bloggers and advertisers can easily sign up at the site and begin leveraging the self service marketplace.

The PayPerPost Revolution Accelerates, Sponsored
Blogging Marketplace Secures $7 Million Series B
Draper Fisher Jurvetson leads round and joins Board of Directors
ORLANDO, FL – (June 12, 2007) – PayPerPost, the leading marketplace for advertisers to reach bloggers and other consumer content creators, today announced it has completed a $7 million second round investment led by Draper Fisher Jurvetson, an investor in the company's Series A and one of the world’s leading high-technology venture capital firms. The financing brings the total amount of capital raised by PayPerPost to over $10 million, giving the company considerable resources for further development as the industry’s leading Consumer Generated Advertising marketplace. Additional participants in the round include existing investors Inflexion Partners and Village Ventures as well as new investor DFJ Gotham. With this investment, DFJ Managing Director Josh Stein also joins PayPerPost’s Board of Directors.
“PayPerPost created this exciting new advertising space and has established itself as the industry leader,” said Ted Murphy, chief executive officer of PayPerPost. “Although we’ve only used a portion of our first round capital, this added support from investors unlocks significant growth potential. Our content creator and advertiser ROI metrics clearly demonstrate the upside for PayPerPost’s model. We intend to use this capital to build the infrastructure, visibility and professional expertise necessary to reach and retain a greater network of advertisers and content creators than ever before.”
Since its founding in June of 2006, PayPerPost has signed more than 6,500 advertisers to its groundbreaking service, which has enabled Consumer Content Creators to be compensated for their efforts discussing specific companies, products or services via blogs, videos or other media. The content creators are required to disclose relationships with advertisers on their blog, providing transparency for the end reader. Over 125,000 Internet postings, most in the form of blogs, have already earned money for their creators through PayPerPost’s innovative marketplace. PayPerPost recently released PayPerPost Direct, a disruptive new service that allows advertisers to contract and negotiate directly with individual bloggers they identify through a safe, managed system.
“PayPerPost has laid a strong foundation for the future,” noted Tim Draper, founder and managing director of Draper Fisher Jurvetson. “It continues to attract a critical mass of participants from both the advertising and blogging communities. Analogous to Overture’s sponsored search model, we believe PayPerPost’s business model holds disruptive potential and will enable the company to thrive in the evolving paid-content arena.”
To mark the $7 million dollar funding, PayPerPost has launched a new website detailing the company’s service offering at http://www.payperpost.com. Bloggers and advertisers can easily sign up at the site and begin leveraging the self service marketplace.
Was anybody else as disappointed with the Sopranos as I was? I mean, come on! That was the worst episode ever. Okay, I know I'm late writing about it because I just watched it at like midnight, but wtf? That was awful. I mean, there was no closure. There was no suspense. What was the point? They could've ended with the second to last episode and it would've been better! My dad says that it was not only a bad series finale, but it was a bad season finale! It was just awful, and I was extremely disappointed.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Who Gets?
I just found an awesome website! It is called whogets.com and it is a great site for entering contests. What you do is sign up (for free) and you enter to win contests, or you vote for people you would like to win. It's really simple, and it's cool because I do not know of any other site that does that. Basically, you pick people you think deserve to win the prizes. There's some cool stuff on their. I entered to win a video camera so that I can record the high school volleyball team I am coaching to help them out with recruiting and so that they can see themselves on film. It would be really great if I can win, but we'll see. They also have movies, clothes, sporting equipment, cell phones, etc. I strongly suggest you check it out, especially if you have some free time to enter to win a prize yourself. Once you check out the site, let me know what you decided to enter! I can try and hit you up with a few votes!
Oh, and one of the great things about this site is that there's no spam. That's something I worried about when I first went to the site, but I learned that they do not allow spam, which is SUPER!
Oh, and one of the great things about this site is that there's no spam. That's something I worried about when I first went to the site, but I learned that they do not allow spam, which is SUPER!
Saturday, June 02, 2007
In Love
Man. I finally know what it feels like to be one of those people who is so crazy in love that they start using baby words and acting all crazy! I am so in love with Egbert*, it's ridiculous. He's such a good guy, it's hard to believe. I have put up with so many bastards over the years, that it just feels good to have someone who respects me and loves me for being me. I know all this stuff sounds cliche' so I'm just gonna stop writing about it. I wish everyone the best of luck with finding love in their lives.
God bless!
*Obviously that's not his name, not sayin' it's bad to be named Egbert...
God bless!
*Obviously that's not his name, not sayin' it's bad to be named Egbert...
Thursday, May 31, 2007
What is going on in the world today?
Celebrities need to be held accountable for their actions. Seriously. They are in the public eye, and should be held socially responsible. Kids look to them as role models, and if they are able to get away with such atrocities as drunk driving, underage drinking, and habitual drug abuse, they need to get in trouble because of it like everyone else. It's rather disgusting.
What amazes me most is that people seem to get joy out of hearing about these celebs breaking the law and getting away with it.
Why do I worry about it and take the time to write this blog today? It bothers me. It angers me. It disturbs me. It's just not right! Ordinary citizens are the people who pay to go see their films, buy their CDs and stay in their family's hotels. Ordinary people are also the ones who go to prison because they follow the activities of their "role models." I worry because I have siblings, relatives, etc who look up to these people, and though that is a problem in and of itself, it is a reality. People imitate what they see, and when violence, sex addiction, and substance abuse are on display and become an ordinary part of our lives, of course people are going to try to imitate as often as possible!
Anybody else irked by this?
Celebrities need to be held accountable for their actions. Seriously. They are in the public eye, and should be held socially responsible. Kids look to them as role models, and if they are able to get away with such atrocities as drunk driving, underage drinking, and habitual drug abuse, they need to get in trouble because of it like everyone else. It's rather disgusting.
What amazes me most is that people seem to get joy out of hearing about these celebs breaking the law and getting away with it.
Why do I worry about it and take the time to write this blog today? It bothers me. It angers me. It disturbs me. It's just not right! Ordinary citizens are the people who pay to go see their films, buy their CDs and stay in their family's hotels. Ordinary people are also the ones who go to prison because they follow the activities of their "role models." I worry because I have siblings, relatives, etc who look up to these people, and though that is a problem in and of itself, it is a reality. People imitate what they see, and when violence, sex addiction, and substance abuse are on display and become an ordinary part of our lives, of course people are going to try to imitate as often as possible!
Anybody else irked by this?
Monday, May 14, 2007
Wow! I finally graduated! (I say finally not to say that I didn't graduate in 4 years- which I did- but because I FINALLY got out of LIU)Now, what to do with my life...
This leadership conference at the Osgood Center starts this evening. I'm really looking forward to it. We're going to do some volunteer work, and I really want an internship in Human Rights that I can do for an entire year, and hopefully I can get one out of this conference.
I'm trying to get some of my friends to come, but nobody can! That kinda stinks, but whatever :( Maybe some of my Marylander friends would be interested, but it seems as though everyone is still at school or too busy. It stinks to be old!
I'm thinking of coaching my high school vball team this upcoming school year. I think it would be fun, and it would be a good way to give back to a school that I loved so much!
Well, TTFN!
This leadership conference at the Osgood Center starts this evening. I'm really looking forward to it. We're going to do some volunteer work, and I really want an internship in Human Rights that I can do for an entire year, and hopefully I can get one out of this conference.
I'm trying to get some of my friends to come, but nobody can! That kinda stinks, but whatever :( Maybe some of my Marylander friends would be interested, but it seems as though everyone is still at school or too busy. It stinks to be old!
I'm thinking of coaching my high school vball team this upcoming school year. I think it would be fun, and it would be a good way to give back to a school that I loved so much!
Well, TTFN!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Freaking Out
Man! I'm freaking out here! I gotta pay my rent and graduate and take care of all kinds of stuff and I'm losing my mind! Ahhh!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Globalization vs Imperialism
Really, what is the difference? After class today, I'm still convinced that they're on in the same, or at least that globalization is an extension of imperialism...
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Corporations :-p

Well, I'm reading this book When Corporations Rule The World And it's makin me mad! Corporations have been doing horrible things to people for so long! My senior thesis is on one of the worst out there- Coca-Cola! If you want to read about how evil it is and why campuses across the world (and other orgs) are boycotting them, just search online and you'll come up with thousands of hits! There's some website called killercoke that has a buncha of actually truthful info on it. Even the Green Party is against the company. It's remarkable!
VA Tech
I send my blessings out to all of those people who were affected in any way by the Virginia Tech massacre. It really was a tragedy, to say the least. It's terrible that, in the end, the killer got what he wanted. He took his life, along with a few dozen others, maimed more, and even got his video on television, the internet, info about it on the radio, etc. It really is a shame :( What's worse is that now there may be copycat killers because of all of the press coverage. It makes me sad just to think about my generation and what is becoming of us.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
April Fool
Wow! To all you April Fools out there, happy April Fools Day! Britney Spears has finally cleared her act up and discovered that she actually has talent! K-Fed also dropped an album that is worth listenin to.
April Fools!
April Fools!
April Fool
Wow! To all you April Fools out there, happy April Fools Day! Britney Spears has finally cleared her act up and discovered that she actually has talent! K-Fed also dropped an album that is worth listenin to.
April Fools!
April Fools!
April Fool
Wow! To all you April Fools out there, happy April Fools Day! Britney Spears has finally cleared her act up and discovered that she actually has talent! K-Fed also dropped an album that is worth listenin to.
April Fools!
April Fools!
My Love
Edmond and I are back together again, and it feels good! I'm someone who works with a soundtrack to life, and I can definitely think of a few corny songs to put into rotation haha It's been such a long weekend already! I am sooooo tired! This senior thesis project is gonna kick my butt, but one of my profs said that I should get it published when I'm finished. Maybe I shall...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Wow! I keep winning these awards and it's really refreshing. It shows me that all of my hard work pays off :) tomorrow I have an alumni scholarship luncheon. I got to meet the donors last year and they were very nice people. I look forward to seeing them again this year!
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Ain't That a Blip?
I oughta be ashamed!
The internet works in front of the TV in my living room. Actually, on top of the TV if you put your laptop there. Anyway, so I've been usin it there all semester, when all along, the internet works fine at my desk, which I rarely use! Now it's the end of my undergrad career, and I feel like a bigger idiot now than I felt at the beginning of the school year! Ay ay ay!
The internet works in front of the TV in my living room. Actually, on top of the TV if you put your laptop there. Anyway, so I've been usin it there all semester, when all along, the internet works fine at my desk, which I rarely use! Now it's the end of my undergrad career, and I feel like a bigger idiot now than I felt at the beginning of the school year! Ay ay ay!
Ain't That a Blip?
I oughta be ashamed!
The internet works in front of the TV in my living room. Actually, on top of the TV if you put your laptop there. Anyway, so I've been usin it there all semester, when all along, the internet works fine at my desk, which I rarely use! Now it's the end of my undergrad career, and I feel like a bigger idiot now than I felt at the beginning of the school year! Ay ay ay!
The internet works in front of the TV in my living room. Actually, on top of the TV if you put your laptop there. Anyway, so I've been usin it there all semester, when all along, the internet works fine at my desk, which I rarely use! Now it's the end of my undergrad career, and I feel like a bigger idiot now than I felt at the beginning of the school year! Ay ay ay!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
What A Week
Wow, what a week!
After all of my hardwork and dedication, we won an award at the National Model UN! Wow! I also won some awards with my unversity, which is even more exciting! Nevertheless, I am so exhausted that I don't even know what to do with myself! I'm gonna go home now (I'm at school) and make use of my deflated matress!
After all of my hardwork and dedication, we won an award at the National Model UN! Wow! I also won some awards with my unversity, which is even more exciting! Nevertheless, I am so exhausted that I don't even know what to do with myself! I'm gonna go home now (I'm at school) and make use of my deflated matress!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Too Much Sleep
Finally learnin what it means to have too much sleep... slept all day... slept all week... now I can't sleep!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Movie Night
So I had movie night with the guys (literally) last night. We had a good old time! Miguel brought some old man who me and jeffro thought was his dad, and Marcelo and I went to the gym before. None of the girls showed up ::ahem, ahem:: but it's all good. Spring Break is almost over! And I still haven't received my package from FedEx! The only bad thing about livin in this apt is that the delivery sucks because A- we don't have a buzzer, and B- nobody can ger to our apt without knowing where it is! Oh well. I slept until 2 today. Rony and Jeffro didn't leave until 7 haha. Leave a comment!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
You know that feeling you get when you just found out that someone you know passed away? It's like a hit in the gut. I just found out that one of my best friends bask home 's mom passed just about a half hour ago. Her mom was such a sweet woman! Her family has been praying so hard. Her mom had lung cancer (and she never smoked a day in her life). She was a devoted Christian, so I know that she was favored by God and is sitting in God's kingdom. My deepest sympathies go out to the Diggs family. Can you keep them in your prayers? Pray that they stay strong.
You know that feeling you get when you just found out that someone you know passed away? It's like a hit in the gut. I just found out that one of my best friends bask home 's mom passed just about a half hour ago. Her mom was such a sweet woman! Her family has been praying so hard. Her mom had lung cancer (and she never smoked a day in her life). She was a devoted Christian, so I know that she was favored by God and is sitting in God's kingdom. My deepest sympathies go out to the Diggs family. Can you keep them in your prayers? Pray that they stay strong.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Wow! So Preeeetty
Wow! I reformatted my blog, and I must say- I kinda like it! I left my dungeon (aka prison/apartment) today. For about 45 minutes haha Anyway, I love WifeSwap, and it's on now!
Are People Even Reading This?
How do I know if people are reading my blog? I want people to read it; that's the reason I have one in the first place! I'm now going on a search around bloggerland to see if anybody will read my blog :-p
Sunday, March 11, 2007
I am so bored! And nobody will play with me! haha I am sittin here, listenin to music on a broke-down boombox (yes, not a stereo), and the CDs are skippin, and everytime they skip, they remind me of how big of a loser I am for not havin anywhere to go for spring break! Oh well. At least it will make me focus on fillin out these LSAT apps, right? AY caramba...
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Say Adios to my Big Gut!
So, I took a picture of what my gut looks like now. I'm not as horrified as I thought it would be. Looking down at it loosk different from lookin at a pic or in a mirror. Anyway, I'm trying to lose some weight starting with this spring break. Wish me luck! I'm trying all different kinds of exercise things I can do here, and Edmond told me some ways that I can alter my diet. Now I gotta stick to water, and we'll see how this goes. He says I should drink a tbsp of vinegar each day, but it's so gross! I don't know if I can :-P Whenever I get some money, I gotta go grocery shopping for rabbit food. I'm gonna be so hungry the next month! I'm gonna go crazy! Anyway, I got that Sat morning class, so I'm off to bed :-P Wish me luck!
(that's a pic of me from last summer. still not satisfied with the old belly)
Friday, March 09, 2007
With Cause, But not a Rebel
I'm so tired! I just got outta this daggone Model UN class, wherein I had to listen to the "professors" bitch and complain at everyone. I'm tellin you- I don't get roll outta bed at 12:30 to have someone yell at me about something totally unrelated to what I'm doin. A - I'm not even registered for the course and B- I'm doin this cuz I want to- not cuz I have to. :-p Now I'm gonna go home and listen to my roommates bitch and complain (as usual). Maybe I'm just bitching too much. It's contagious! Maldita sea!
Friday, March 02, 2007
A Nice Bite in the Butt
Don't you just love when you did something that seemed like a good idea at the time, and later it comes back to bite you in the ass? Check out this convo with my friend Jimmy...
Jimmy: i seen the pics of u pole dancing. nice lol
Me: what
Jimmy: when u went to the club with steve
Me:i wasnt dancin on no pole
Me: ohhhhhhhhhh...wait a second...who took a pic of that?
How delightful! I guess I can blame it on the birthday champagne... Or not :-P
Jimmy: i seen the pics of u pole dancing. nice lol
Me: what
Jimmy: when u went to the club with steve
Me:i wasnt dancin on no pole
Me: ohhhhhhhhhh...wait a second...who took a pic of that?
How delightful! I guess I can blame it on the birthday champagne... Or not :-P
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Stem Cell Debate

I'm totally confused! I had this discussion with my roommate the other day. How can you be against abortion, but be for Stem Cell Research? It's totally confusing to me! I WOULD be for the research, if I didn't think the gov't was gonna turn it into somethin crazy, which I think we are well beyond capable of doing... whatever...
Dude, I HATE the smell of cigarette smoke! My roommate asked me to hug her yesterday, and I told her no. Why would I want to hug her when she smells like boiled garbage? This is the thing smokers don't seem to understand: Why would I want to be around someone/somethin that smells like smoke when I don't want to smoke? I have never tried it, and never intend to. If I liked the smell, wouldn't I like the taste, and therefore enjoy smoking? Ugh! The more I'm around it, the more disusting I find it!
Anybody else feel that way?
Saturday, February 03, 2007
First and Foremost
This is my first blog, so I'm kinda excited. It's kinda a big deal... but not really...
Anyway, I'm going to use this blog to talk about some of my feelings towards politics. I don't really want to do that on my myspace account because some ppl are just stupid and won't get it, and I don't want to read any stupid comments, and also because many of my friends are politically aware and they're just gonna want to debate, and I don't have time to get into it with them. Maybe this blog will prove to me that Americans aren't as apathetic as I perceive them to be.
So, is anyone worried about the draft? The "surge" (A.K.A. escalation) is just the start. Wait'll we get into trouble with Iran/or North Korea. Those suckas don't fool around. I tell you one thing though- if they DO institute the draft, and all of these friggin feminists decide that they think it would only be fair to have women drafted as well, and women get drafted, I'm gettin knocked up by a Canadian and takin a 1st class ticket to Toronto!
Thoughts anyone?
Anyway, I'm going to use this blog to talk about some of my feelings towards politics. I don't really want to do that on my myspace account because some ppl are just stupid and won't get it, and I don't want to read any stupid comments, and also because many of my friends are politically aware and they're just gonna want to debate, and I don't have time to get into it with them. Maybe this blog will prove to me that Americans aren't as apathetic as I perceive them to be.
So, is anyone worried about the draft? The "surge" (A.K.A. escalation) is just the start. Wait'll we get into trouble with Iran/or North Korea. Those suckas don't fool around. I tell you one thing though- if they DO institute the draft, and all of these friggin feminists decide that they think it would only be fair to have women drafted as well, and women get drafted, I'm gettin knocked up by a Canadian and takin a 1st class ticket to Toronto!
Thoughts anyone?
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